Sunday, May 6, 2012

Yugioh News: A few days old, license now in hands of

So something I found out a few days ago, Yugioh rights were sold from 4kids to a group called KidsCo.  Who are they?  Well I hadn't heard of them before, although they have existed since 2007 apparently.  All I pretty much can do is link you to the wiki article on them and their website.  However as one of Polish decent I find it funny the hands of something that has, for lack of a better word, shaped a good part of my tastes is now in the hands of a group which had one of its first starting networks in Poland.  Although not sure how that will turn out.  Short version of the wiki though, "KidsCo is an international children's entertainment brand founded by Canadian broadcaster Corus Entertainment'sNelvana EnterprisesAmerican-based producer DIC Entertainment, and European broadcaster Sparrowhawk Media Group in April 2007." ( )  Now, why should anyone care?  Well let us hope this means that something changes for the better, however it might mean nothing.

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