Friday, August 26, 2011

A Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Wall of Text Review: LOST SANCTUARY Structure Deck

      Lost Sanctuary is the TCG equivalent of the OCG structure deck of the same name, and the 20th structure deck to have come out.  It is pretty much the same as the original version with the exception of Archlord Kristya being replaced with Athena, which can be considered a bummer however Athena was only release here in Premium Pack Two, and it meshes in quite well with this deck.  As of August 30, 2011 Archlord Kristya will be in the Wind-up Zenmaister tin along with Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin, both of which would be nice additions to anyone who would want to modify this deck or a fairy deck they already have.

All of the above are the included monsters in the deck,
 as are The Agents and Hyperion below.

      You may notice these pictures are not of the best clarity, that would be the result of my camera phone and impatience.  However, the monsters of note for this include Honest (a nice addition to anyone who uses Light type monsters), Marshmallon (a nice addition to any deck for defense as it cannot be destroyed by battle), Tethys (again Fairy type decks), Consecrated Light (which stops normal and special summoning of Dark type monsters and cannot be destroyed by Dark type monsters in battle, as well as stopping Dark monsters from declaring attacks) and (The) Splendid Venus, which works well in Fairy decks and any deck for that matter, as its second effect of preventing your spell and trap cards from being negated can be useful in any deck.  Victoria is just a personal favorite of mine, and I rather like all the monsters in this deck.

Top Row: Mars, Venus, Mercury
 Bottom Row: Saturn, Jupiter, Earth
Side: Hyperion

      The main theme of this Fairy deck however revolves around The Agents and Hyperion.  Hyperion, Jupiter, and Earth were all introduced in this deck.  Mars is a card that can be useful, however I have never been able to use it for much more than a shield against Yubel's final form while in defense mode but over it still can be useful with the right set up, Venus is useful if you use multiple Mystic Shine Balls, Mercury's "draw at end of opponents turn if you have no cards in hand" effect is useful enough to keep a copy if you modify the deck, Saturn's damage effect can be useful as long as you keep your life points higher than your opponents, Jupiter's second effect is rather useful in this deck, as there are two copies of The Sanctuary in the Sky (a card that you need to have out for a number of effects to work in this deck) otherwise though it still is a 4 star monster with 1800 attack, which is respectable to say the least.  Earth is rather necessary and useful, as it lets you search out another Agent or if you Sanctuary on the field, Hyperion, which leads into a rather nice combo.  Hyperion is the breadwinner of this deck, although this deck works wonders even if you don't draw him or get to use him.  He is an 8 star (two sacrifice) monster that can be normal summoned, but you can remove an Agent in your hand, field (Earth combo) or graveyard from play to special summon him.  His second effect is to remove a fairy in your grave from play  to destroy a card on the field, and can be used twice if Sanctuary is on the field (again, combo).  2700 attack makes him useful also as a wall.

      Spell cards that come with this deck include two copies of The Sanctuary in The Sky field spell, which prevents battle damage to the owner of a fairy type monster that is involved with a battle (as well as letting certain effects be active on some of the monsters in this deck), Mausoleum of The Emperor, another field spell that lets you pay 1000 life for every tribute you would have to sacrifice to summon a monster (however rule note you cannot pay 1000 and sacrifice another monster, it has to be either 2000 or the 2 monsters), Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen (a nice continuous spell that lets you summon a Fairy type monster from your hand if you have no monsters on your field once a turn), Solidarity (a nice addiction to a mono-type (example: Fairy) deck such as this), The Fountain In The Sky (good for the mono-attribute Light deck), Smashing Ground (destroy opponent's creature with highest defense), Terraforming (fetch a field spell), Celestial Transformation (Special summon a fairy from your hand with some side effects), and Burial From A Different Dimension (a rather nice card for any removal deck or good back up in a deck where removal could be a concern).

The traps included are two Miraculous Descent (special summon a removed from play Fairy-Type and equip this to it), Beckoning Light (discard hand, then add that many Light monsters from your grave to your hand), Solemn Judgment (a counter trap with pay half your life to negate a spell/trap/summon of a monster and destroy what was just negated), Torrential Tribute (activate when a monster is summoned, destroy all monsters on the field), Return from a Different Dimension (pay half your life, until end of turn summon as many removed from play monsters you control), and Divine Punishment (counter trap, only if Sanctuary is on the field negate a spell, trap, or effect monster's effect and destroy it.

Overall like all Structure (not starter though) decks it follows the theme it goes for well, and every card in this deck has a use.  Even if you don't run a Fairy or Light type deck Solemn Judgment, Torrential Tribute, as well as some other cards worth a look at this deck, and it retails for $9.99 US.

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