Sunday, August 4, 2013

Magic the Gathering M14 Intro Pack - Psychic Labyrinth Review

     Well, it is that time again, and this time it is the mostly blue slightly white Psychic Labyrinth deck.  Three down and two to go.  I've gone back for the Intro Packs and put in links for cards I named now.  Also I have been testing the decks against each other, granted in a rather controlled way (always attacking and blocking when possible, trying to make the best decision on what target a spell will have, 10 games, 5 with one deck going first, 5 with the other, that sort of thing), and I will get back later with the results of that as well.  For now though let's get to this deck.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Minor Updates

So I went back to the Bestial Strength and Fire Surge Intro Decks and put in links to most (ignoring the basic land) cards mentioned.  I say most because I only linked once per card and not once per naming of said card, as well as not linking if the card was originally brought up elsewhere.  Also links to the official Wizards MtG page for each deck were put in the names.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Magic the Gathering: M14 Intro Pack - Fire Surge Review

One thing I can promise is this will be shorter than the Bestial Strength article.  This will also have a video at the end as I'd like to stick to format.  Let us get into the Fire Surge Intro Pack.

Magic the Gathering: M14 Intro Pack - Bestial Strength Review

     With a new Core Set upon us, I suppose I should cover the decks, or at least the ones I've seen in person.  It is important for me to mention that the wall of text here will not really cover the same things as the video at the end of the article, as that is more an opening.  The Bestial Strength Intro Pack is sort of tricky to really describe.

Monday, July 1, 2013

VLOG- 2013-07-01 Super Starter: V for Victory and some Yu-Gi-Oh! Sleeves

Well, for a written summary, I'd simply say it is an okay deck.  It has room to improve but that is the point.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Let's Play: Sonic the Hedgehog '06, Part Seventh through Eleventh and a half.

Well, we are finally caught up to the end of the first session's footage, so here we go, parts 7 through 11.5, yes that is a half.

Part 7:

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sonic '06 Part the First

      So much to be said on this game, and I think I'll wait til the end of it all to probably give my full breakdown, but it can be summed up with the words "it could have been so much better."  I'm not even referring to the argument about what is in the game already, just the fact that things feel later as if they were never completely play tested.  Ultimately it comes down to it would have been a better game with a little more tender loving care than it got.  I'll go into my full thoughts on it later though, for now the video.


Monday, May 27, 2013

Phantasy Star Online Ultimate Forest Run (Old video split into pieces)

      For those who have not seen it or for those who have, here is a cut into pieces version of my Phantasy Star Online Ultimate Forest Run, and as soon as I finish editing my current project, that will be up as well.  Here is a hint: it is not more Sly Cooper.

Part One:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Off Hiatus

Expect actual new material up soon, as I'm off my hiatus and will be working on getting a work schedule out for this blog.