Sunday, August 4, 2013

Magic the Gathering M14 Intro Pack - Psychic Labyrinth Review

     Well, it is that time again, and this time it is the mostly blue slightly white Psychic Labyrinth deck.  Three down and two to go.  I've gone back for the Intro Packs and put in links for cards I named now.  Also I have been testing the decks against each other, granted in a rather controlled way (always attacking and blocking when possible, trying to make the best decision on what target a spell will have, 10 games, 5 with one deck going first, 5 with the other, that sort of thing), and I will get back later with the results of that as well.  For now though let's get to this deck.

      The color breakdown comes to 16 Islands and 25 blue Spells, 9 Plains and 8 white spells, and the Staff of the Mind Magus and oddly Rod of Ruin as the odd men out.  Weirdly, at a glance it seems the Rod fits with the rest of the deck quite well, considering Prodigal Sorcerer originally was a blue card and such low damage is pretty much never out of place in blue, then they reprinted it as a different card with the same everything else.  Cards I appreciate in this deck so far (ignoring the rares for the moment) are Warden of Evos Isle for giving me a rather funny idea for a deck to build as well as good synergy with most of the deck, Air Servant because I always liked that ability on it, Illusionary Armor because it is a cool idea in my humble opinion, Glimpse the Future for having nice art as well as a typical blue concept behind it, and Archaeomancer, because it is what it is.  That isn't to say the white cards they chose to splash in weren't good, although you will probably get more use from the non-creature white spells in the deck though.

     I rather like the cover rare, Jace's Mindseeker, as it combines classic blue milling, flying, and using your opponent's own cards potentially against them.  Clone is sadly no longer a kill spell against your opponent's legendary creatures, but this can be a good thing depending, as it can give you access to that creature's nice abilities, a chump blocker/wall against attacks if you copy their biggest creature, or mill 5 more cards and reuse Mindseeker if he is out on the field. 
I keep trying to demonstrate the shiny factor on those cover cards.
Potential/Card Choice:  10/10
     Could they have probably picked other cards to fit in, yes, did they necessarily need to, probably not in my honest opinion.
Balance/Practicality:  10.5/10
     The deck is seems to be solid, as I still need to test it a bit more.  For now it get's my full passing grade here, though nothing too spectacular outside of combo choices.
Cost:   10/10
     It is okay for what it is, like the other decks.

Overall Average Score:    10.17
     It is a rather nice deck, and so far in terms of build quality I'd venture to say slightly better in general use than the other two covered, although I'll hold my opinion on the other two until I get them in my own hands.  Recommended deck if you aren't picky so far, although damage wise it is a bit weaker than the other two, hence why the deck itself uses classic blue tapping and other means to help hold out for a win.

Video:    to be added in later

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