Monday, June 23, 2014

M15 Updates

     So they've updated the site it seems to a new look, as well as showing off some more of the cards ( and keep scrolling down) and so far this set seems a bit silly in the good way.  On a side note the confirmed basic land art seems okay.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Theros Block: Part the First

     Theros (when it first came out) was a very interesting set concept.  With focus on enchantments for the block, I sort of had high hopes for how things would turn out.  The first set was a fun one for that initial draft and still has some gems to it.  My personal favorites of the set are probably still Curse of Swine and Shipbreaker Kraken, and I normally don't run blue (nothing against it, but for most of my MtG experience I was usually white/green/black with a splash of blue and red over the years).  Voyaging Satyr is an all around great card as well.  But enough about silly things in blue, I suppose I should go on about the set as a whole.  Let us talk first about enchantments.

It's all a Conspiracy, I tell ya!

      Sure enough, one of my recent experiences was to have a nice sample game of MtG's weirdest set in a while, Conspiracy.  If I didn't know better, they were working out not having made an Un-set in a long time.

      For those that don't know, Conspiracy is basically a draft set with a bunch of silly new cards and reprints like Exploration or Phage, the Untouchable (which is a Zombie Avatar Minion like it should always have been rather than a flavor fail Zombie despite her having a kid while being Phage instead of Jeska...but enough about lore) and fun new cards like Selvala and Marchesa, and reprinting the classic land cycle set of commons.  Oh right, and official squirrel tokens.

Back to Earth: A quick chat on M15 before they start spoiling it properly.

      So....I have a tendency to get distracted by, well, life.  This time however I'm going to let my actions, rather than posts, speak.  So first up is a bit of random discussion on M15 for Magic The Gathering, before it comes out of course.