Sunday, June 22, 2014

Back to Earth: A quick chat on M15 before they start spoiling it properly.

      So....I have a tendency to get distracted by, well, life.  This time however I'm going to let my actions, rather than posts, speak.  So first up is a bit of random discussion on M15 for Magic The Gathering, before it comes out of course.

      As always, an MtG core set usually means they're trying to change the dynamism of the game, for the year at least.  M14 (after the fast paced turn flow of the Return to Ravnica block) tried to slow things down for us going into the Theros block.  I'll save my "short" discussion on Theros for another time and post.  M13, I would argue anyway, was trying to prepare us for the early game shenanigans of RtR, to a minor degree.  M15 on the other hand......seems to be going back to the old pacing from days gone past, where your early turns were buildup and your mid and late game mattered more.  Much like Wizards of the Coast's habit of spoiling things for the next set (or maybe just trying to trick us), they've been keen to demonstrate walls being important and trying to shift attention to an "offensive/defensive" style rather than the "simply ramping up the creatures for massive damage and whoever draws better wins" approach (I'm reminded of most recent Boros decks and heroic decks among other things).  The walls though aren't really what drives home the slow down process though, it is the number of high cost cards that do not have convoke that have been spoiled so far.  Again though this is all based on an incomplete list of the set, so only time will tell.

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