Saturday, March 12, 2016

Let's Play, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, Remaining Human Missions

Mission 6: Northshire Abbey
"Mostly Scorpion Free"

This is a fun're against humans instead of the normal versus Orcish brutality.  Does not make it any less annoying though.

Mission 7:  Sunnyglade
"How Shiro did not get his groove back"

So this time its freeing slaves.  So we can make them work to bring us gold....not sure if that makes it better but spiders spiders everywhere.

Mission 8: Medivh
"Always a Hallway"

I actually really like this mission.  Probably one of my favorite, if not the favorite.  It's kind of limited compared to later entries in the series but I like underground levels.  Maybe it's the dungeon crawler in me, since the original Gauntlet was something I grew up on.

Mission 9: The Black Morass
"Is a Swamp a Sewer Level?"

We're off to level some bases, and finally get some conjurer action on our end for realsies.  An annoying mission but it merely is the start of a pattern of things to come.

Mission 10: Temple of the Damned
"No Turning Back"

So we're in charge now......and time for some old fashioned vengeance upon our enemies.  Remember when I said that Medivh was my favorite mission?  This is a close second, at least in terms of favorite to play.  No base, just an army.  We get to have some fun here, where planning may be optional but it can help you immensely.

Mission 11: Rockard and Stonard
"Water, Water, EVERYWHERE"

So, the second to last mission, and we get to have a fun time here.  Well, fun if we race to the finish that is, because the enemy will end you fast if you don't rush the one thing you probably need to win here.  If anyone manages to win this another way, I'll be shocked and impressed.

Mission 12: Blackrock Spire
"Some men just want to see the world burn"

The last mission, we're at the home stretch, going for the goal, 10 seconds left on the clock, in the red zone, making it to break it, redlining the engine, five minutes til the bell rings, I can probably stop right there.  Our job here is to eliminate all traces of Orcs from the land, or at least their stronghold.  Time to win the game.

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