Friday, July 18, 2014

M15 Intro Pack- Price of Glory

     It is that time of year again, the core set is out, and that means I have something to rant....I mean discuss.  First up, Price of Glory.

     Price of Glory's two color build, white and black, is a classic yet appropriate color combo for the theme of the deck, getting the most secondary use of gaining life.
     First off I love that the deck has Pillar of Light, as it is one of the more interesting removal cards I've seen printed in a while.  The 3 copies of Sign in Blood are nice, while the Shadowcloak Vampire and  Ulcerates are the only other cards that you lose life for using.   That being said, this is mainly a white deck built around keeping a high life total, so the three copies of Soulmender, the Resolute Archangel, and the 10 other cards that can potentially have you gain life are all nice choices.

     Let's just talk about some potential combos built in the deck already.  The Shadowcloak-First Response-Blood Host trio might not be apparent at first, but it's an interesting synergy between the cards.  Meanwhile that Pridemate and Wall of Limbs will just get stronger slowly, though be careful not to wipe it out with your Witch's Familiar oddly supporting you with the other rare, Mass Calcify.  Realistically speaking though, this still is an intro deck for Magic, and should be treated as a good springboard to building a better deck.  It has interesting card's in it and nothing I would qualify as a bad choice out of the set, though I was a bit surprised at it having the board wipe in it. 

     Cards that can go well with the deck from M15, just to give some ideas,  include the following:
In Black: Black Cat (as fodder), Endless Obedience, Eternal Thirst, Flesh to Dust, Grave Digger, In Garruk's Wake (as an alternative to Mass Calcify), Indulgent Tormentor (for card draw), Rotfeaster Maggot (for more life gain), Stab Wound, and Typhoid Rats.
     All in all, this deck is okay to start with, and like all Intro Packs have for a while it has two extra boosters with it, to help customize the deck or help build a new one.

             Potential/Card Choice:  10/10
     Something seems missing and I'm not sure how to phrase it, but it's fine as it sits.  Given the card pool for M15, it sits solid where it is at.
             Balance/Practicality:     10/10
    In the limited time I've had to try it, including card draws, the deck itself is rather balanced for mana base.  That being said, most of it is early in the mana curve and there are no 6 converted mana cost spells in the deck, peaking at 7 with both rares.
              Cost:    10/10
It's an intro pack, the cost is fine for what you get.

              Overall Score:   10/10
It is a solid buy, as if you are new to the game or just want a spare deck option, you need not be rushed to change out cards in the deck and can get away with it just fine for quite a while.

Video Opening:        In process of uploading.

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